Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Family Passing and Apology

Hi gang. We laid dad to rest on Valenine's Day and it was the most beautiful service! Unfortunately, his mother passed away the following morning. Visitation is today and her funeral is tomorrow.

I want to apologize to those that were unable to properly view my blog, website and ebay auctions over the weekend. Due to a glitch in my website host, my domain did not get automatically renewed (which is where 99% of my photos are stored) and everything was down until yesterday. I did everything I could to get it back up in a timely manner and again, I do apologize.

I have a personal project I have been working on and hope to finish up soon. I'll get some pics posted once it is all finished.

I've got some new St. Patrick's Day ornies due out shortly as well so please keep your eye out!

Hope all is well with you and yours.


Stacey said...

Sending prayers to you, your friend and her family. {{BIG HUGS}}

Your new li'l baby puppy is soooooo cute!!!!!

Diane B said...

I'm so sorry for the family losses
you have experienced I hope the sun shines brighter for you in the days ahead..but in times like these
blogs and websites just have to take a backseat to LIFE... so no
apologies needed... Hugs to you...

Carla said...

I'm so sorry for the losses.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your losses . I am praying for you and your family .
Stop by my blog and pick up your award .